God’s voice

God’s voice

I’m still working out where I fit on the religious/spiritual spectrum. Do I have a relationship with one god or goddess, or hundreds, or none? Is god just a convenient placeholder for a word that doesn’t exist for the magic of the universe?  Am I praying when I...
Haw sauce

Haw sauce

This is a rich, tangy condiment made from foraged goodies that tastes amazing with sausages, cheese, spring rolls, and I’m sure loads of other stuff that I haven’t thought of putting it with yet. It’s a kind of cross between ketchup and hoisin, but...
Hawthorn for my lovers heart

Hawthorn for my lovers heart

**I wrote this piece over a year ago and while I still love the man I wrote about, it’s more because you never really stop loving anyone, and it doesn’t feel hungry or burning anymore. It’s the kind of love that’s in a back pocket of some jeans I...


We’re in the water, you in your boxer shorts and me in my swimsuit. I don’t know if I’ve ever been happier than this. I want to tell you that I feel full to the gills with joy right now, like my fingertips are fizzing with it trying to burst out. I...
Rust Never Sleeps

Rust Never Sleeps

A short story inspired by the Neil young album of the same name.     I always do a rapid rat-a-tat-tat when I knock on Adam’s door.  “You’re just like a shaken-up bottle of Pepsi, aren’t you?”, that’s what Adam’s mum said to me one time.  She was wearing an...
You can’t cry in space

You can’t cry in space

Richie Rich, The Bran-Man, the original Virgin, I know it’s been a while since I last saw you but I hope you’ll forgive me for skipping the pleasantries and going straight to the heart of the matter. You can’t cry in space. I learned that in Mr Frye’s science...
Sarah Crowder’s lists; The last word on words.

Sarah Crowder’s lists; The last word on words.

These lists of words were inspired by this quote; “I think the act of naming something implies, very simply, that you’re not alone. We give names to things so we can talk about them. Once there’s a word for an experience, it feels contained somehow—and the...
The Southwest Chief

The Southwest Chief

“Oh wow, you look far too young to have a son in his fifties!” Maria says to Beverly. If we were in England now Beverly would say, “thank you”. We aren’t in England anymore Toto. “I was the victim of a violent crime you see,...

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